Bird Control

There are several species of birds in Greater Vancouver that can cause problems for businesses and homeowners. Pigeons, seagulls, starlings, bats, and flickers (woodpeckers) are the most common birds of concern. They not only deface the building where they roost and nest, but the areas below are also often marred by their droppings. Furthermore, these droppings can be a slipping hazard as well as unhealthy for breathing.

Exclusion is the key in bird control. We inspect to see what the species of bird(s) are of concern for your property and develop a plan to keep them away. Depending on what type of bird is causing concern, solutions such as spiking, netting, bird wire, screening and possible visual deterrents are a few of the many methods we employ to keep bird pests from your site.

Cleaning is also a key in almost all bird control work. Fully cleaning the affected areas with disinfectant/deodorizing agents prior to installing deterrents also helps to keep these pests away as well as to restore the beauty of your surroundings.

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